I’m gonna feel the stars in my pocket tonight. I’m gonna wear the sun round my chain alright. I’m gonna let the clouds be my beamas as I go and beam her and walk into divided raging seas…. This about sums it up! Last night was literally like sitting on top of the world…Unbelievable to be able to share my expression of art with old and new music connoisseurs. To have the opportunity to pack out the Lincoln’s Backstage Series and to have a friend say he was told by the ticket-merchant “it’s standing room only” creates a feeling I can’t express in words (so I won’t).
From the dope sound and lighting check with the Lincoln’s tech and my tech, Ms. Pitts (Haha), to the quiet meditation in the theatre before the show…I am simply moved. Moved to another level of artistry, to another level of humility, to another level of hope. I am forever grateful to Ms. Bradford of the Lincoln Theatre for her willingness and sincerity in affording me a providential platform to share my artistry and, for her willingness to engraft me into the historic bloodline of the Lincoln along with all the greats that have gone before and will go after me. Naki…you are dope. Without Naki’s enthusiasm about my music, who’s to say when and if my music would have fallen into the clasps of the Lincoln…my sincerest and heartfelt gratitude (digression: people should not be afraid to open their mouths, they never know what greatness may come of their words).
THIS crowd…SHEESH!!! The diversity of age, color, and experience, simply has me floored! Allowing my sound to transcend boundaries is only a dream that you’ve brought to life (*bows head with thanks). You all allowed me to be free and create uninhibited; completely raw. You allowed my fam (Jonathan Baker (Keys), Jeff Bass (Bass), Brandon Chapman (Guitar), and Cedric Easton (Percussion)) to paint the airwaves with musical colors never experienced before! You all were and are stars in my eyes; amazing. It’s like I’m dreamin’ in motion, I feel it all around me….
(Sound-check photo provided by Jonathan Baker)